Cairns Region Conveyancing and Business Law
PH: 07 4057 7201
Wills / Power of Attorney
When was the last time you updated your Will? Do you even have one? And who would be able to make decisions for you if you were overseas or if you were no longer able to make your own decisions?
NQ Mobile Law Service offers a fixed price service so you will know exactly how much it is going to cost up front.
NQ Mobile Law Service can:
- prepare a new Will for you to reflect your wishes;
- prepare an Enduring Power of Attorney or General Power of Attorney so that another person can make decisions for you and sign documents while you are away or if you are no longer able to;
- prepare an Advance Health Directive; and
- help you administer an estate if you have been appointed executor in a Will.
Contact us today to discuss your will or power of attorney.

07 4057 7201
0412 537 575
PO Box 107 Clifton Beach Qld 4879